The Key Walkthrough: Part II

Note - If you get disorientated at any time, a map of the current location is available by clicking Show Map on the menu bar.

Note - The Zip To menu provides instant access to locations that you have already visited, so you don't have to walk to most places more than once!

You arrive in the communications tower of the VoS. Turn to your right and look at the panel. Note the power type of the VoS receiver under Data, and the power type of the Arcadia receiver under Hyperwave. Turn right again to face the hyperwave pillar and look at the small panel at the base of the pillar. This will give the frequency for Arcadia. Note this down. Now turn around and leave the comm tower. Follow the walkway around towards the power receiver until you reach a crossroads. Turn right and enter the archive of power planets. Most of the pillars in this room are off, but the second pillar on the right is on (it is lit up). Click on the pillar to go to the Canyon Rimworld.

You will find a panel in front of you. Look at it and click the Frequency tab. Click 'Scan for Station' and note down the Name, Frequency and Location of the Rimworld listed under the 'Receiver' heading (right hand column). Click 'Scan for Station' again to display the details for another Rimworld, again noting down name, frequency and location. Continue to scan for different Rimworlds until you return to where you started (the Rimworlds cycle). When you have noted the information for all Rimworlds, cycle them again until the 'Attempt Link' button becomes blue. Press it, and the focus will be fixed to this Rimworld. NB - this is irreversible: do not click 'Attempt Link' until you have noted down the details for all the other Rimworlds. You will use this scanning process on other Rimworlds as well.

Now turn left and exit the Comm dome. Follow the walkway to the power plant. When you enter the power plant and follow the walkway down to the control room, you will find panels in front of you and on both sides. The one in front of you is the important one - this controls the reactor. Look under the Reaction tab and enter the settings for a Tritium 3 reaction. This was not listed in the storage room on Arcadia, so apply the rule found on the panel beside the Arcadia reactor to the settings for a Tritium 1 reaction to calculate settings for Tritium 3. Then ignite the reaction. (Note - this is not a destructable reactor; the verification circuits work. If you get the settings wrong, you can try again, unlike the Arcadia reactor.) Now return to the comm dome and click on the pillar to return to the VoS.

Return to the power planets archive and turn to the first pillar on the right. Look at the panel at the base of the pillar, enter the location of the Desert Rimworld (found on Canyon) and attempt connection. Click away from the panel, and you will see that the pillar is now on (lit up). Click on it to go to the Desert Rimworld. Here you will find a panel in front of you, similar to that of the Canyon Rimworld. Look under the Frequency tab and repeat the scanning procedure given for the Canyon Rimworld (see above). Once you have noted the details for all the Rimworlds (some may be duplicates of those found already), find the Rimworld that will allow a link (Attempt Link button blue) and click the Attempt Link button. Now turn to the left and exit the comm dome. The power dome is off to your left, so take the left hand path. However, you will find that your way is blocked by a strong field which protects the comm area from the planet's violent weather, so you will have to find another way to the power plant.

Turn around and walk back along the path. When you reach the T-junction, go straight ahead and follow the path round to a small iron building. Inside it is a field door. Go through it to get to the power plant. In front of you is a panel. Walk up to it and look at it. This panel does not control the power plant - the panel that controls the plant is located on a balcony at the opposite end of the room, presently inaccessible. Look under the Data tab of this panel to find the frequency of the balcony's field door and note it down. Turn around and return to the field door, but do not go through it yet. Look at the control panel beside it and note down the frequency for the current focus (Rimworld Surface), then enter the frequency for the balcony and press to attempt access. Now go through the field door, and you will find yourself on the power control balcony. To your left is the panel which controls the reactor. Under the reaction tab, input the settings for a Hyperion 3 reaction (found in Arcadia storage room). Return to the lower level of the plant via the field door, then turn around and look at the field door control panel on the lower level. Enter the frequency for the Rimworld Surface and press to attempt access to return the field door focus to the iron building. Return to the comm dome and then return to the VoS via the pillar.

Return to the power planets archive and look at the panel at the base of the last pillar on the right hand side. Enter the location of the Barren Rimworld and then use the pillar to go to the Barren Rimworld. In front of you is another panel similar to those on the Canyon and Desert Rimworlds. Repeat the scanning procedure above and link to the next receiver. Exit the comm dome by the door to your left and follow the walkway to the power plant, taking the right hand turn at the T-junction. At the far end of the room is another power generation panel like the ones on the Canyon and Desert Rimworlds. Under the reaction tab, enter the settings for a Xeon 3 reaction (found in storage room) and ignite the reactor. Now return to the VoS using the pillar in the comm dome.

Exit the comm tower and follow the walkway as if you were going to the archive of power planets, but at the crossroads where you would turn right to face the archive of power planets, turn left instead to face the archive of communication relay planets. Enter the archive and turn to the last pillar on your left, the only pillar in this archive which is presently switched on. Use it to go to the Mossy Rimworld. Again you will find a communications panel in front of you. Scan the Rimworlds using the above procedure, noting down the details for any new Rimworlds. However, this time you will not be able to link to the next receiver.

Turn to your left and walk around the room with the pillar on your left, passing the active display of the Rimworld. Look at the first panel you come to (headed 'Mossy Rimworld: World Status Report') and look under the Generation tab. Note down the relay sequence given under this tab, and the power type of the Iceland power receiver. Also read the instructions given towards the end of this section of the panel. Turn left again and walk round to the field door (Note - the other panel in this room is off or broken: ignore it). Go through the field door, then turn around. Take the right hand door to enter the power receiver. At the far end of the room are two panels: look at the right hand one. Enter the frequency and power type of the next receiver (the sequence is given in the comm tower of this Rimworld) - make sure you press the blue label to enter data for each setting. Turn around and exit the receiver using the field door. Turn around again and take the left hand door to return to the comm tower. Look again at the communications panel (first on the right as you enter the room). You will now be able to link to the next receiver. Now return to the VoS using the pillar behind you.

Return to the comm planets archive and enter the location of the Iceland Rimworld in the panel at the base of the first pillar on the left. Now use the pillar to get to the Iceland Rimworld. In front of you is another communications panel. Scan for new Rimworlds using the now familiar procedure, then turn right and exit the comm tower by the field door. Now exit the field dome by the door in front of you and follow the walkway to the power receiver, taking the left hand turn at the T-junction. Cross the room to the panel, and enter the frequency of the next receiver (sequence found in Mossy comm tower). Note that you will not be able to enter the power type as you have not found this yet. Return to the comm planets archive on the VoS (the VoS linking pillar is in the centre of the comm tower).

Go to the second pillar on your left and enter the location of the DMount Rimworld in the panel at the base of the pillar. Now link to the DMount Rimworld using this pillar. Scan for new Rimworlds using the panel on your right (NB - Star Valley = VoS), then turn around and look at the other panel. The power type of the receiver on this Rimworld is given under the Data tab. Also note down the assembler settings for inertite, given under the Generation tab. Now return to the Iceland Rimworld via the VoS (linking pillar is to your left), and return to the power receiver. Enter the missing power type, then return to the communications panel in the comm tower and complete the next power link. Return to the DMount Rimworld and leave the comm tower. Follow the walkway to the power receiver, taking the left fork where the walkway splits. On entering the receiver, walk straight down to the panel at the far end, ignoring the panels to your left and right when you are halfway down (they are dead). Enter the settings for the next receiver, then return to the comm tower and complete the power link using the panel on your left (communications panel). Now return to the VoS.

Follow the walkway to the power receiver (straight ahead at the crossroads) and turn right once you are inside. Enter the frequency and power type for Arcadia in the panel in front of you, then return to the comm tower. Look at the panel to your right as you enter (you will need to walk forward one space first - don't go too far or you will find yourself back on Arcadia!). Now click Create Link to transmit power to Arcadia. Return to Arcadia using the pillar to your left, then turn left to face the power relay panel. Under the Grid tab, enter the phase port channel that the Arcadia power grid is currently using. Turn around and walk over to the power generation panel. Input the necessary assembler settings for each unit (you do not have the settings for Atomeron) - the Unit 2 (Hyperion) settings are already correct. The Tritium settings can be found on the Arcadia assembler control panel by entering an extractor value of 3 (this will not change the first three numbers, but these form simple sequences. To find the required plasma density, double the plasma density for Lithium - found on panel beside assembler in assembler room). The Inertite settings (Inertite gives the most power of all the fuels you can currently use) are given as an example on the DMount Rimworld. You now have enough power to link to the Graveyard Rimworld, the next stop on your journey. Turn to the pillar, and enter the location of the Graveyard Rimworld under the Channel tab of the control panel behind the pillar (location found on Hub panel). Now click on the pillar to link to the Graveyard Rimworld.

Congratulations! You have completed Part II of The Key!

Click here to view the Part III walkthrough.

Tim Bartram